

1. Effects of Recovery Beverages on Glycogen Restoration and Endurance Exercise Performance: Williams MB, Raven PB, Fogt DL, Ivy JL. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 17:12-19, 2003.
This study determined that "The rate of [post-exercise] recovery is coupled with the rate of muscle glycogen replenishment," and that "recovery supplements should be consumed to optimize muscle glycogen synthesis as well as fluid replacement." Eight endurance trained cyclists performed two trials consisting of a 2-hour glycogen depletion ride followed by an exhaustive ride at high intensity. Subjects received either a carb-protein beverage (Endurox R4) or a carb-only sports drink immediately and 2 hours post-exercise. Post-exercise ingestion of carb-protein beverage (Endurox R4), in comparison to the carb-only beverage, resulted in a 55% greater time to exhaustion during a subsequent exercise bout at 85% VO2max. Ingestion of the carb-protein beverage resulted in a 17% greater plasma glucose response, a 92% greater insulin response and a 128% greater storage of muscle glycogen compared to the carb-only beverage.

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